English Posts Faith

Little Becomes Much in God’s Hands

Have you ever said to the Lord, “I can’t do that”? I have, and I was completely convinced that it was useless to even try. Until the Lord showed me that even small things become big in His hands.

Large crowds often followed the Lord. And this day, after crossing the Sea of Galilee, was no different. He had ventured off to rest in a quiet place, alone with his disciples.

But even there the multitudes followed him. And when he saw them, he was moved with compassion on them because he saw that they were like sheep without a shepherd. (Mark 6, John 6.)

So despite his fatigue and grief over the death of John the Baptist he sat down and taught them. Until, seeing how late it gotten, the disciples suggested that they send the people away to buy food.

Little becomes much

“No, you give them something to eat!” Jesus said, ignoring their objection that they had neither enough food, nor enough money to buy so much.

Instead, he taught them to take what little they had and give it God. “But we only have five small loaves and two small fish. What are they among so many people?”

Yet, from this small amount of food, they all had as much as they wanted! 5000 men, plus women and children. And afterward they even collected 12 baskets of leftovers! Because even a little – when placed in God’s hands – becomes a lot.

God gives much, but we need to use it.

Christ didn’t need to use their food. He could have made something out of nothing. But he chose to work with what the Father had already provided.

Many times in the Bible, God had people use what they already had. From Moses’ rod, to David’s sling, to the widow’s nearly empty oil jar of oil.

“What are you holding in your hands?” God asked Moses.
“A rod,” he answered. And the Lord used that as proof that it was He who had sent Moses, and that made even the high and mighty Pharaoh listen to him. (Exodus 4.)

“What do you have in your house?” Elisha asked the widow woman, “Good, bring me that jar and borrow more from all your neighbors!” And God used the little bit of oil she had to make a miraculous supply of oil that lasted all three of them until the terrible famine was over. (2 Kings 4)

God has given us much, but we often fail to see it.

God has also placed much in our hands. Material blessings, talents and all the spiritual gifts we need to carry out His work.

Yet we often overlook what the Lord has already given. We convince ourselves that we are lacking and incapable, and so we fail to move forward with obedient faith.

Yet, even a tiny seed of faith exercised in obedience becomes powerful in God’s hands.

We forget that little becomes much in His hands.

Like the disciples with their little fish and bread, we fail to see that even a little becomes much in God’s hands.

I learned this lesson years ago when asked for the first time to speak to a women’s group years ago. Public speaking, even in front of large crowds, doesn’t worry me. But teaching God’s Word (especially in Italian) is another matter. It’s a huge responsibility, and that frightens me.

My gifts do not lie in public speaking, but in writing and mentoring, so I was convinced that I would fail. Most of all I was afraid of letting God down.

But the Lord reminded me: “I have already given you much. You’ve got a story to tell. My story in your life. Just tell what I’ve done and I’ll do the rest.

I’ve heard people say that their knees tremble when speaking before crowds. Trembly knees? My whole body was shaking! And my mouth was so dry that I couldn’t even speak!

I’m sure the ladies wondered if they had mistakenly come to see a comedian. I probably seemed like someone trying to imitate a chicken, bobbing my head up and down while trying to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth!

God’s ability is what counts

“You see, Lord, I knew I couldn’t do it!” I told him. And he said, “You’re right and I already knew that. But didn’t I tell you that if would let go of your fears and do your best, that I would do the rest?”

God doesn’t call us because of our skills and abilities – he knows they are insufficient. All he asks of us is that we do our part, promising that he’ll do the rest. For He is the God who does much with little.

So I opened my mouth to speak and He really did do the rest! It was extraordinary, because my message on overcoming fear touched their hearts. I know because many told me so, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

But I also knew that it was not through any merit of my own. Certainly not because I am an expert or powerful speaker. I’m not.

“God has placed in our hands all that is necessary to do his work,” I told them. But first, we must let go of our doubts and fears, and then use the things He has already given us. Knowing that He will always do the rest, because He has promised.”

Many people in the Bible didn’t have much. A few fish, an ordinary stick, an almost empty jar. What they had was little. And it wasn’t enough – until they gave it to God.

We may not have much either. Perhaps like Moses we’re convinced that we can’t speak well. Or like Philip with a little fish and bread, we think our few talents won’t go far.

Whatever we have is not enough, and it never will be. But when we take that little bit and give it to God, it becomes more than enough – for he does great things.

Little becomes much when we give it to God. For he is the God who does the rest.

It is not my ability but my response to God’s ability that counts.

Corrie ten Boom
Fish & bread by | Widow with jar by | Grain | Woman.