English Posts Lifestyle

My ABC of Simple Natural Living

My ABC of Simple Natural Living? It’s all about getting back to basics. Hubby and I strive for simplicity. We have found greater peace and tranquillity through less clutter and excess, and debt-free living. We also seek to live more naturally because it’s good for us. And as Nonni to nine grandchildren, we want to […]

English Posts Lifestyle

Why I Choose Simple Living

Why I choose simple living (or minimalism) is a question I often get asked. And it’s not always easy to explain, particularly to those who’ve never heard of minimalism. Or when I tell them that it all came about because of a bottle of vinegar. After I learned that my daughter no longer bought chemical […]

English Posts Lifestyle

Our Materialistic Fixations

Our materialistic fixations. How did we get them? Picture-perfect homes, with fine decor, and all artistically arranged. I can’t help but wonder: How did we get to this point?  Trivial problems I recently read a post about wall lights that get installed after construction, with their cords dangling down the wall. It was all about hiding […]

English Posts Lifestyle

The Much of Little

We no longer travel a great deal by train, but I remember the long train trips of our early carless years in Italy. When Hubby also rode an old moped 12 miles to work – even in snow or rain. There are areas of Italy where you can live without a car thanks to the […]

English Posts Home & Family

When Thieves Strike

We’ve had thieves strike. Twice. In the first instance, they were real thieves, but in the second, they were sort of fake thieves. As many of you know, we have a summer home. And in our absence thieves got in, taking our bedroom mirror and a small step ladder.  Those thieves were odd. They didn’t […]

English Posts Home & Family

Bringing Christ Back into Christmas

It starts earlier and earlier every year, the hype and commercialism. Christmas stuff and Halloween gore side-by-side in stores. Ads, articles, and movies all at work to make us think we’re missing out on the perfect Christmas. The search for the perfect celebration can make Christmas a frenzy of stress and rush. The exhaustion of […]