English Posts Home & Family

The Coming of Mr. Pemberton

Everyone wondered, and no one knew. Knew who Mr. Pemberton was, that is. Oh, they all knew of the Pemberton family. The older residents, at least. The crotchety old man who used to throw things at them as kids. And just for passing his house! Not because they’d stolen his apples or anything. They’d never […]

English Posts Faith

Thanksgiving for the Future

Happy Thanksgiving from Italy!! Even though I’m always amazed how many people don’t know Italy doesn’t celebrate the holiday. And it saddens me too, because it means that many (even in North America) don’t seem to know the Thanksgiving story. Thanksgiving is a distinctly North American holiday, inspired by Pilgrim celebrations. So, considering that Italy has never […]

English Posts Faith

All Things End

Most of us dislike endings. Beginnings are fun and exciting, with new things on the horizon. But endings mark the termination of something, with words like cessation, parting, mourning, leave-taking, and farewell. They often carry a sense of loss. We experienced this sense of loss during our recent stay in Hubby’s hometown. Each trip to […]

English Posts Home & Family

When the Way is Blocked

No one likes roadblocks or delays. We prefer doing what we want and going where we wish. But sometimes we find roadblocks in our way, and frustration sets in. Or irritation, anger, resignation, sorrow. Disappointment can bring a whole spectrum of emotions. And we wish for a bulldozer to clear the way. I’ve encountered a […]

English Posts Faith

Giving Thanks for Providence

Autumn here in Italy is a special time of year, one of my favorites! In small towns, like ours, the scent of wood smoke floats in the crisp, clean air. Grapes ferment into fine wines. And olives, pressed into green gold, glisten in their bottles. But as an American, my thoughts turn to Thanksgiving. Although […]

English Posts Lifestyle

The Much of Little

We no longer travel a great deal by train, but I remember the long train trips of our early carless years in Italy. When Hubby also rode an old moped 12 miles to work – even in snow or rain. There are areas of Italy where you can live without a car thanks to the […]