English Posts Home & Family

Anniversaries, Mops, and Going places

Life is so changeable. Time never stands still. What exists today may not be around tomorrow, and will one day certainly pass away. And that’s good. The good things – we’d love for those to last forever. But imagine if the bad and negative stuff continued forever. What a nightmare! Time moves on. Things change. […]

English Posts Home & Family

A Personal and Ministry Update

Things don’t always proceed according to plan. Stuff comes up. Things change. And even the best laid plans can turn awry. Our partial retirement seems to be going that way. But one positive thing is that with Hubby no longer teaching English he’s home to help with spring work. We’re swamped with spring cleaning and […]

English Posts Missions

For When you Feel Marooned

Nothing seems to be where it belongs. Offices, appointments, and queues may not work the same way. Stores don’t always sell what one might expect to find. Upon moving here, we spent weeks trying to find matches for our stove. Who would have thought you could only buy matches in a tobacco store? “You don’t need an […]

English Posts Italy

What I Would Miss About Italy

Sometimes, fleeting thoughts flash through my mind making me stop and ask, “Now where did that come from?” Other times causing me to emphatically state, “I don’t even want to think about it!” Many just meander through for no apparent reason; this is one of those… What would I miss most about Italy? If we […]

English Posts Lifestyle

The Much of Little

We no longer travel a great deal by train, but I remember the long train trips of our early carless years in Italy. When Hubby also rode an old moped 12 miles to work – even in snow or rain. There are areas of Italy where you can live without a car thanks to the […]

English Posts Missions

When God Says: You Have Not Failed Me

The apostle Paul was sitting in a prison cell. The city in an uproar over this man who stirred things up wherever he went. I, in his place, would have asked, “Why Lord? I was only obeying you and preaching your word. So please get me out of this fix! I’ve done nothing to deserve […]