English Posts Italy

Cilento’s Caciocavallo Cheese

Caciocavallo cheese, made from the milk of the famous Podolica cattle of southern Italy, is hard to beat! My husband’s area in Cilento (deep in the mountains of Salerno) is full of these grass-fed cows. The meat is 100% organic, grass-fed and so good. And the cheese! Well, it’s just out of this world! And since today is Caciocavallo Day, I suggest you add a bit of this cheese to your menu!

According to historians, this ancient cheese was first mentioned by Hippocrates, who reported its production and consumption among the ancient Greeks. For me, it is almost a symbol of Cilento. My father-in-law always kept it on hand, because he used to receive the cheese in exchange for letting farmers use his pastures for their sheep, goats or Podolico cattle!

Caciocavallo means “horse cheese”

Not because it’s made from horse’s milk, but because two forms of the cheese are usually tied together with rope and then hung to dry over a horizontal stick or branch called a cavallo (which means horse or sitting astride something).

Caciocavallo is a semi-soft, pale yellow cheese with a slightly strong, earthy flavour and a stringy, springy texture. Because it’s 100% natural, even the rind is edible and tasty. And its salty, piquant and tangy flavour goes well with bread, olives and red wine, making it a wonderful and light evening meal!

Caciocavallo ages well.

Once it’s matured, it’s also great for travelling, even on horseback, as its slightly hardened rind helps to protect and preserve it! The taste of Caciocavallo improves and deepens with age, taking on a slightly fruity flavour.

If you can find some, I highly recommend it! And for a special treat, slice it and brown it in a lightly oiled pan (with extra virgin olive oil, of course). Cast iron works best. Warm and melted, it’s almost a heavenly treat, and especially good with bruschetta!

I just wish the posts could include samples of the taste and smell! Because I just know you would really love it!

Image credits: Hanging cheeses | Others are mine.

12 replies on “Cilento’s Caciocavallo Cheese”

I wish your post could include samples too!! : ) But we just might be able to find some at one of the specialty stores our city has to offer. I’ll have to look for it. P.S. The Cheese Council of Italy (f there is such a thing) should put you on their advertising team!!


I hope you can find some in one of your specialty shops, Nancy! I’m sure you’d love it!! As far as being on the Cheese Council, I guess my love of cheese shows. But unfortunately, I’ve developed an intollerance to milk products. 😦 So I have to be careful and allow only occasional treats. Hopefully it will gradually disappear. Sometimes after a period of absence they seem to. Anyway, I’m sure keeping my fingers crossed for it!!

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I have to limit my intake of cheese too because of the fat and salt content. I try to view food restrictions as good exercise for my self-control muscle! As my dad used to say, “Getting old is not for sissies!”


Hey, my dad used to say that too!! And I agree, it is a great exercise in self-control. In fact, a definition I once read stated that self-control meant eating just one potato chip. I could relate to that as a salty food lover. Chips are usually my downfall. 😦

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I really wouldn’t know Dayle. We’ve been gone from there for so long. But I would imagine in places like New York city you could. And at any rate, you’re always welcome to come over and have some with us!!


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