English Posts Lifestyle

My ABC of Simple Natural Living

My ABC of Simple Natural Living? It’s all about getting back to basics. Hubby and I strive for simplicity. We have found greater peace and tranquillity through less clutter and excess, and debt-free living. We also seek to live more naturally because it’s good for us. And as Nonni to nine grandchildren, we want to […]

English Posts Lifestyle

Can We Be Too Frugal?

I’m a frugal grandmother and proud of it! But we can become too frugal, and then we need a wake-up call. Or in my case, perhaps a sleeping pill! Because you see, I had these sheets. Flannel, for our cold and drafty Italian houses, which never seem to warm up in winter! One night in […]

English Posts Lifestyle

Spring Cleaning? Time to Declutter!

Our current house is half the size of the previous place we had up north, and I struggled at first to make everything fit. So I started seeing the need to declutter. Life here in our peaceful valley is slow and simple too. Which helped me rethink my values and priorities. Yet it’s odd, because […]

English Posts Lifestyle

Why I Choose Simple Living

Why I choose simple living (or minimalism) is a question I often get asked. And it’s not always easy to explain, particularly to those who’ve never heard of minimalism. Or when I tell them that it all came about because of a bottle of vinegar. After I learned that my daughter no longer bought chemical […]

English Posts Lifestyle

My Hard Times Cookbooks

Before leaving for the mission field, we had to pare our belongings down a great deal. But I decided to bring along three essential books. A medical book and what I call my hard times cookbooks. These cookbooks, especially in our early years here, were life savers for me! Reading recipes was beyond me until […]

English Posts Lifestyle

Our Materialistic Fixations

Our materialistic fixations. How did we get them? Picture-perfect homes, with fine decor, and all artistically arranged. I can’t help but wonder: How did we get to this point?  Trivial problems I recently read a post about wall lights that get installed after construction, with their cords dangling down the wall. It was all about hiding […]